Radiofrequency dallas

Radiofrequency has become one of the newest energy based devices in the aesthetic market. Various devices have been approved by the FDA for indications from wrinkles to the reduction of the appearance of cellulite.

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by Martin Kassir, M.D., F.A.A.D.

Radiofrequency dallas

Infraorbital before Radiofrequency treatments⠀

Radiofrequency dallas

Infraorbital after Radiofrequency treatments⠀

Radiofrequency dallas

Infraorbital before Radiofrequency treatments⠀

Radiofrequency dallas

Infraorbital after Radiofrequency treatments⠀

Radiofrequency dallas

Infraorbital before Radiofrequency treatments⠀

Radiofrequency dallas

Infraorbital after Radiofrequency treatments⠀

Introducing the NEW Pellevé System!

This advanced radio frequency device is for the treatment of mild to moderate facial wrinkles and rhytids: and for the body, the PelleFirm reduces the appearance of cellulite, for both men and women. Pellevé delivers energy to the dermal tissue, heats the target treatment zone, and stimulates the fibroblasts that synthesize the extracellular matrix and collagen. New collagen is formed in the dermis resulting in epidermal tightening.

Pellevé treatments:

  • Non-invasive
  • Pain-free (described as a warm massage)
  • No down time
  • Can be performed on all skin types


Do you exercise and eat well, but still struggle with certain cellulite-prone problem zones? After just a few treatments you may start to experience a temporary reduction in the appearance of cellulite and an overall smoothed body tone. A PelleFirm treatment is comfortable and effective, and it requires little to no before or after treatment care. It is a safe and effective solution for patients seeking non-surgical options to improve the appearance of their bodies. 

Radiofrequency Before & After Gallery

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Radiofrequency dallas image

Visible improvement in fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes with individualized rejuvenation protocol. The eyes appear more youthful due to the tightening and collagen …

Radiofrequency dallas image

After undergoing Radiofrequency treatments, clinical photography shows noteworthy improvement in skin rejuvenation. Patient appears to have thicker skin and diminished fine lines due to the …

Radiofrequency dallas image

Woman with fine lines in infraorbital area. Improvement after radio frequency treatments in Dallas, Texas.

aSKINg the EXPERT: Radiofrequency

What is Radiofrequency?

Radiofrequency (RF) current is an electrical current, typically with a frequency in the megahertz (MHz) range. RF current creates heat, and its use on the skin is appealing due to its ability to deliver heat to tissue non-specifically. Lasers also generate heat, but in a chromophore-specific manner (selective photothermolysis). RF delivers heat to tissues based on the properties of the tissue itself and is not dependant on chromophores (colors in the target).

What is Radiofrequency used for?

RF can be used to deliver heat in the dermis or second layer of skin. This dermal heating causes modification of collagen structure and stimulation of new collagen; these changes can help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in skin that is losing or has lost its natural elasticity.

How much does a radiofrequency treatment cost?

Treatment cost for radio frequency depends on the area being treated and how many treatments are recommended. Call our office for more details.

What areas of the body can radiofrequency can be used on?

The most common areas for which patients receive radiofrequency treatments are the abdomen for tightening, thighs for cellulite and tightening, jawline for tightening, and around the eyes for fine lines and tightening.

Does radiofrequency work for wrinkles around the eyes?

Yes, radiofrequency treatments can help tighten the thin skin around the eyes, thus reducing fine lines.

Can radiofrequency be done after getting dermal fillers?

Experience has shown that unless there is a specific contraindication, radiofrequency may be performed after dermal fillers.

Are there any side effects to getting radiofrequency?

There are minimal side effects with radiofrequency such as: slight swelling and redness. Side effects may differ or vary in intensity based on the location being treated.

How often should you do radiofrequency treatments?

It can vary, but on average one should do a treatment every 3-4 weeks for optimal results.