Our goal at Kassir Dermatology is to provide the best treatments and skincare products suited to the individual needs of our patients.
Skin Health Analysis allows us to better determine what condition your skin is in and assist in following the progress of your treatments and efficacy of products and procedures.
by Martin Kassir, M.D., F.A.A.D.
This analysis consists of several elements that reveal different aspects of your skin's condition.
Your skin type, hydration, pigmentation, and sensitivity are quite important. As there are numerous topicals and procedures, proper evaluation of these variables will greatly assist in choosing the correct treatment course for you. The steps outlined above will help us advise you on how to prepare your skin prior to treatments, determine the areas on your skin that may need the most attention, and monitor the overall improvement of your skin. Your treatment plan will be formulated for YOUR SKIN!
Click here to see the skin health analysis gallery
The most important reason for a skin check is to make sure there are no skin cancers present.
Dr. Martin Kassir, a Board Certified Dermatologist in Dallas Texas performs your skin check.
Yes. Specialized photography allows us to see qualities about the skin that we may not see with the naked eye.
One example would be vascularity (redness and small veins) of the face and forehead. We get a much more detailed image than we would with the naked eye. Furthermore, we can monitor progress of conditions such as rosacea and monitor progress of treatments such as IPL (intense pulse light or photofacial).
Yes. Polarized photography of the face and forehead and melanin analysis will both identify problem areas and help us determine the best treatment for each patient.
Determination of your proper Fitzpatrick Skin Type (I-VI) is important before proceeding with any treatment. When you visit your dermatologist be sure to explain what happens to your skin when exposed to the sun. Do you burn, peel, spots of pigmentation, slight tan, or get very tan? This is crucial information that helps determine the best and safest course of action for procedures.
Good skin care is essential for maintaining overall skin health. For instance, applying sunblock twice a day not only helps one prevent the formation of wrinkles and brown spots, it can also prevent the formation of cancerous lesions.
by Martin Kassir, M.D., F.A.A.D.
by Martin Kassir, M.D., F.A.A.D.
by Martin Kassir, M.D., F.A.A.D.
by Martin Kassir, M.D., F.A.A.D.
Kassir Dermatology © 2025